Thursday, February 5, 2009

[142] Blocked

It simply taking forever to come up with something to type.
Just realised I've been having all kind of block, ranging from Blog Block to Nose Block.
What else?
Editor's block, Support engineer block, Anti-virus can't update block... and the list just goes on.

I've also notice I kept on thinking about studying.
Yea.. Just like I said, I'm thinking of studying.
Going back into studying, Yeah.. Studying is so much fun compared to working.
Atleast there's so much lesser problems for me to solve now. Gahahaha!!
After suffering for freaking 3 months being scolded by my manager and the client.
Yea.. that's how bad it is.

But the financial problem is still eating me from the inside.
Gotta break free from this wey.. I'm gonna send my info to Integricity Visuals once I get my phone this weekend.
Yepps.. I've decided which phone to get.
I'm not telling which 1 yet, stay tune and thou shall know.

I'm also thinking about going to study Broadcasting yet I'm still worrying about the money and my PTPTN loan to pay up.

Anyway, lets see where these takes me.