Wednesday, September 10, 2008

[115] A Need of Change

I've finally decided to withdraw from my course and get a job.

Here're some thought that totally cranked me up the whole day (Yesterday).
- is it worth the traveling (3hours/trip, 6hours two ways, 1/4time of my day gone)
- how do I make it for 8am classes?
- staying there? (expensive! I save up around 300-400bucks traveling)
- I wonder how would I cope knowing I might not even able to continue my 2nd semester due to finances.
- should I do parttime course while work?
- where will my job be?
- after finishing work will I be able to make it to APIIT in time?
- or should I work first?
- then only continue my degree?

I finally make a conclusion and with the peace of God, and some wise insight from my mom, I've decided to withdraw and work first. This means I havta get a job real quick. I'm not gonna mind about the pay anymore, I need the experience.

Anywoo yea.. like the title says.. "
A Need of Change".. I'm finally gonna change my post mostly on my interest!
Bboy-ing which I'm learning from a "Sifu" (the master of all skills and talents)
and you know who's "it"!!
Yep Yep.. its.. 
*drum rolls*

man, its gonna be a sport I'll never get bored of.

To keep you posted on the moves I've learned and cool move I'm gonna learn!!