Tuesday, October 14, 2008

[Post 124] Undependency

Ish stupid people!!
Okay... Dah cukup lepas geram atas orang bodoh 'tu.

Haha.. yea.. that was me letting go my frustration. No point being so worked up by small little things.
Its been awhile, since my lovely rendang post. mMmm!! Yummy rendang, and guess what I have rendang sauce without knowing that I added it into my rice. How cool!!

There's just simply too much good things to share, and I just don't know where to start from.
To keep it short.
This is my 4th week working in NGC, and the craziest thing that is going to happen to me is....
I'm gonna have to do lots of support work for the next two weeks.
'Cause my colleague's going to Pakistan!!
[I can't wait for my turn to go overseas... whoopee!!]

Imagine me going to Bangladesh, Vietnam, Jakata, and the list goes on.
[I think that's it but...whatever la... let the list goes on]

I just had a sudden urge of getting a new shoe. Something really cool, yet have a style of my own.
Gotta snip and trim my hair a little, it looks like bush now.
Need to get a new pair of jeans, yea baggy ones, dying to find one. My own tropicana's all torn up, but still look cool when I wear them on. Probably its due to the baggy-ness. Haha!


Christine said...

Yer.. I want to go travelling toooo.....! DONT forget to get me souveniers if you go k!!!