Saturday, October 4, 2008

[Post 123] Rendang

Hari Raya all my muslim friends out there!!
Ain't much of a biggy to me though, ha-ha! Didn't really went to any open house is probably what made it a norm for me. But this year, its kindda different. Why, you may ask.
Its probably 'cause my dad brought back a small tub of rendang beef!!
Wow!! Awesome!!
I've never really tried beef rendang before. and its really really good!! Think about the fried coconut and the beef!! 
*Owh crap, mouth watering like mad, and I'm still super hungry from 2 pieces of roti kosong for dinner just now*

Anyway, its been a while since I last post something about dance. Today I'm gonna post something out of my genre!! Hahah!! Guess what?

Its a recipe, and I think y'all know whats it gonna be!!

 (change servings and units)

·         1 kg beef, cut into small pcs

·         1-2 cup water

·         4 tablespoons curry powder

·         1 tablespoon turmeric powder

·         1 large onion, pounded

·         2 lemongrass, crushed

·         3 cm ginger, pounded

·         3 cm galangal, pounded

·         4 tablespoons chili paste

·         5 small hot pepper

·         4 tablespoons coconut paste or desiccated coconut

·         1 cup coconut milk

·         3 leaves kaffir lime

·         1 leaf turmeric (optional)

·         1 cinnamon stick

·         star anise

·         2 tablespoons tamarind juice

·         salt

·         sugar

Mix beef, pounded ingredients, curry powder, turmeric powder, lemon grass, chilli paste, water, cinnamon stick, star anise, in a deep cooking pan.

Cover and cook for 30 min or till beef tender.

Add tamarind juice, coconut milk, kaffir lime leaves, coconut paste, salt and paper to taste and cook for 15 min or till sauce thick.

Serve hot over white rice, white bread or glutinous rice. 
(In courtesy of Ms. Ida Ku Zaifah from

Okay!! There you go!! The recipe for Beef Rendang.
I have totally no clue how this taste like but I bet its really good 'cause of the comments.
Anywho, I'll be resuming my status on dance real soon. I think as soon as I try out some cheorography to a song and video it, kekeke!!