Thursday, July 31, 2008

[Post 108] Depression

No thoughts of the day for today.

Its been awhile since I've been feeling depressed..
Whoa... Joshua -> Depressed?!
Its like Joshua cannot be depressed..

Yeah.. I know what y'all are thinking.. Yep yep..

Everybody's fool by Evanescenes:

It was only today after stumbling on to this webpage

And.. went straight looking at the symptons of depression..
Here you go:

Well there're a few points that I'm facing at the moment.. Yeah..

After scouting through the whole site.. I found this:
that how powerful thoughts are..

Phew.. Yeah.. there's a cure..
and I just realised that hope and positive thoughts are that important to a person..
it can either pull a person right down to the ground... or even worse..
or the build a person greatly..
Wow!! And all starts with a thought..

and the coolest thing that caught me eyes was that faith played a role in it too..

Well I think this reminds me of the vow I made yesterday..
Yep, yep!!
To a honestly, truely happy cheerful clown from the inside out all the time.. even without makeup!

SHIT!! I was suppose to find a real good clown picture to put on.. but I can't even find a really cool 1..
Argh.. stupid people.. now I know why many people are afraid of clowns..
I think I'll not be a clown.. I'll be someone that will bring joy to other then putting on makeup and hide my true self inside..
I think.. I need not put on make ups to be myself..!!
I shall call myself "clown" (with the Inverted commas)