Wednesday, July 30, 2008

[Post 107] A Post That Will Change Life

Thoughts of the day:
We all have a choice
To live a lie
Or be ourselves
To laugh and cry
Or to follow someone else

To look up and smile
Or bow down and frown
To walk the whole mile
Or take off our crown

We have a choice
To shout out loud
Or chant a whisper
To fly through the clouds
Or to be blown like paper

To conquer our fear
Or hide in the shadow
To the wise words hear
Or be thrown out the window

We all have a choice
To climb our highest mountain
Or fall into our deepest hole
To drink from life's fountain
Or live life like a troubled soul

To learn love in the heart
Or grasp to hate with regret
To wake up and start
Or sleep until sunset

We all have a choice
To speak truly with ourselves
Or go against what seems

We all have a choice
To fulfill our greatest dreams
--- Copyright © 2008 Allen Steble

Dang.. my brother's such an ass.. screw up kid!!
Well.. can't say more 'bout him though.. I wasn't such a good kid either..
but although I know I've changed still the fact is.. that I've still got a bad past..

Thank God for those people who prayed for me and saw me through my "storm" back then..
Anywoo.. Like the title says.. a decision that will change my life..

If you havn't know yet..
my dream job is to be a professional clown.. WHOA!!
Professional?? eh hello?? ain't clowning a profession itself??
ah-hah!! This is where you're wrong (to me)

Clowning is clowning..
*you do earn money but not as much as a professional 1*
(I think.. haha!!)

Yep yep!!
I want to be a clown that is not only happy on the outside but in the inside too!!
Be my witness everyone who reads this..
I don't want to end up acting my whole life covered in white powder acting happy and cheering others up.. while deep down I ain't got the joy.. such hypocrisy!!

So yep yep!! There you go people.. Its a statement and a promise that I'll made with you people out there!